
新到植株的養護指南|Tips for Caring for Newly Arrived Plants





1. 收到植物後的第一步


2. 新環境適應期的注意事項


3. 植株適應後的養護


|Tips for Caring for Newly Arrived Plants|

When you receive newly arrived plants, proper care is essential to ensure their health and smooth adaptation to the new environment. Below are some key steps and precautions to help your plants transition successfully and thrive.

1. First Steps After Receiving Your Plant

Upon receiving your new plant, you should plant it immediately, but make sure to avoid watering it for 1-3 days after planting. This approach helps prevent infection risks that can occur if the roots are damaged during planting. This period allows the root wounds to naturally heal and form a protective callus, thereby reducing the risk of root infections when watering is resumed.

2. Care During the Adaptation Period

Whether your plant is a winter or summer grower, it will need some time to adapt to its new environment. During this period, it is recommended to provide indirect light and moderately moist soil. This environment can reduce stress on the plant and help it transition smoothly through the adaptation period.

3. Care After the Plant Has Adapted

Once the plant has adapted to its new environment, you will notice that the roots begin to develop actively, and new leaves start to emerge from the growth points. This is a sign that the plant has acclimated to its surroundings. At this stage, you can gradually increase the light intensity to encourage robust growth. Proper light exposure promotes photosynthesis, making the plant healthier and stronger.

